Discover Your Inner Truth and Purpose

Melanie Channell

is a certified Numerologist, spiritual counselor, tarot reader, life coach, energy healer and teacher, crystal healer, and angel enthusiast. She has been certified in over 50 energy healing modalities and has studied spirituality and empowerment concepts for over 25 years.

Melanie provides incredibly accurate and insightful tarot, Numerology, and Life Purpose Readings that will help you answer questions about how you can shape your personal destiny. Whether you have questions about a relationship, family matters, need career guidance, have financial concerns, or need spiritual direction, she’ll work with you to find solutions that will best suit your individual needs.

Melanie finds joy in helping people clear out old energy patterns and learning to take responsibility for their own healing process. She is passionate about empowering people to make choices that will steer them toward their life purpose and personal happiness.

Melanie is a gifted energy healer.  She uses her intuition and empathic abilities to tap into your energy field (aura) and locate any areas needing clearing, rebalancing, or repairing.  She customizes each healing according to your current mind, body, and spiritual state by using universal life force energy, crystals, and angelic energies to perform the healings.

My New Book "The Numbers Speak" Available on Amazon

Click Here


Reading Between The Signs

Anthology of Signs & Synchronicities

This book is a compilation of 24 women's 

stories of spiritual awakening and guidance

from their spiritual helpers. They will inspire you

to  fill your life with hope, grace, and to live your life

on purpose. 

Heart & Soul

Living a Love-Filled, Spirit-Guided
Consciously-Created Life

This book explores lessons that will

make your heart shift toward love.  It's the stories of

24 courageous women who explore

many emotions, life experiences, and

transformations. This book will inspire

you to look at life through a different

lens and take action to create a life full

of love, joy, and peace.



Warrior Women with Angel Wings 

Gleaning the Positive from the Negative

This book is an anthology of empowering

stories that 38 women lovingly wrote. These stories 

portray how spirit intervened in the

most trying of circumstances and how they

turned a negative experience into a



Tarot Readings / Love / Career / Family / Financial Matters

$100.00 Per  Hour

Tarot Readings / Love / Career / Family / Financial Matters

$50.00 Per  1/2 Hour

Tarot Readings / Love / Career / Family / Financial Matters

$25.00 For 15 Minutes

 Numerology Readings

Numerology Reading (includes full Numerology profile written report and 45 minute reading in person or by phone) $90.00

Life Purpose Readings

Using The Life Purpose Oracle card deck, Numerology (core numbers), and intuition, a life purpose reading will help you discover the mission and talents you are meant to develop and lessons to work through for your soul growth in this lifetime. Knowledge is power.  Once you tap into your core strengths and work on releasing your limitations, it can propel you into the life you are meant to live “on purpose”.  $90.00


Customized energy healing sessions assist you in achieving balance; spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. These sessions help unblock, charge and rebalance your chakras and clear your aura to its natural healthy state. Melanie works with over 40 energy healing modalities (including Reiki and Chios Energy Healing).  She also uses crystals and angel energy to create a customized healing that corresponds to your needs.  $80.00 


Crystal healing is a healing method that uses the vibrations of stones and crystals to promote healing and help restore balance to the body, mind, and spirit. The human body has a complex electromagnetic energy system, and crystals are perfect electromagnetic conductors. Their vibrations can be very beneficial in helping our bodies to heal themselves. Melanie uses crystals and crystal energy healing modalities for her crystal healing sessions.  $80.00 


A Chios energy healing session will include powerful techniques to clear your aura, unblock, charge and rebalance chakras and rid your energy system of energy impurities and defects. It can greatly improve your health and well-being and can help in reducing the effects of stress.  $80


 $50.00 per level

Chios Energy Healing includes powerful techniques such as chakra charging, chakra rebalancing, correction of energy flow, aura charging, unblocking chakras, sealing leaks and tears, and more. Chios is taught in three levels.

The first attunement opens the healing student’s ability to channel healing energy through your hands. You will learn to work with and conduct energy through your hands and  begin to sense the human energy field using the passing of hands method. You will also learn the hand positions for healing treatments.

$50.00 – 1st Attunement


The second attunement greatly increases the ability of your hands to channel energy, color, and light. “It creates in you the ability to shape the light." You will learn to seal leaks and tears in the aura, aura clearing, unblock chakras, aura charging, and correction of energy flow. You will start to learn to see the aura and chakra colors and how to use light in healing.

$50.00 – 2nd Attunement


The third attunement is very powerful. It accelerates your ability to draw in and channel energy, color, and light to the highest level. In this level, you will learn chakra system rebalancing, chakra charging, correcting structural energetic defects, 7th layer focal healing, and other tools useful in your healing practice. The final attunement is the Master Attunement. This attunement will enable you to attune students to this system of Energy Healing.

$50.00 – 3rd Attunement


$100.00 per hour

Spiritual mentoring could include instruction on any of the following:


  • Grounding

  • Meditation

  • Protecting your energy (from lower energies or pulling other                           peoples energies)

  • Clearing and running your energy

  • Clearing stuck energy in your environment

  • What chakras are and how to work on healing them

  • Assist you with the law of attraction techniques

  • Angelic healings, healing flushes, etc.

  • Set up healing chi balls for you to call in at your convenience

  • Crystal work (what crystals are best for healing, etc.)

  • Set up crystal grids (for healing, love, money, etc.)

  • Give you healing attunements (Reiki, Chios, etc.)

  • Teaching how to read tarot, Numerology, angel communication.

Mindfulness Coaching

Melanie Channell is a certified mindfulness life coach who specializes in helping her clients reduce stress and overwhelm.   

Mindfulness can enhance your mental and emotional functioning, improve focus, job performance, and self-control. It can also reduce anxiety, psychological distress, depression, worry, burnout, work turn-over, and reduce incidences of problem drinking. Having overcome anxiety and panic attacks of her own and being certified as a mindfulness coach have given Melanie the tools to help others do the same. Today Melanie offers individual services and group programs. $100.00 per hour

 Healing & Intuitive Startup Business Consultant

 Having had extensive experience in the corporate world, building my own business, and being a certified life coach, I  am available now for consultations if you are looking to start a business in the healing field, or expand your current healing business.   $100.00 per hour

Life Path Reading & Crystal Bag 

Included in this package is a 300-400 word written life path reading, the life path card, 3 crystals associated with the life path (used for healing), and an organza bag. On the front of the card are simple meanings for the number. On the back are an affirmation and an explanation for the crystals' healing properties for that number. Please message me the birthdate of the person who is receiving this package after purchasing. I have all numbers 1-9 and 11, 22, 33. 

Life Path Reading & Crystal Bag  (Includes Mailing) $20.00

Spiritual Attunements


Spiritual Attunements are healing energy forms that are passed from one person to another. These attunements help to raise your vibration and open up healing channels in your energy field so that you can send healing to other people, animals, and the planet.

The attunements will be sent by chi ball. A chi ball is an energy ball that is created by me with my energy and light. The attunement is placed in the chi ball and sent through the breath. The chi ball then stands on its own waiting for the receiver to call it in.

All attunements come with a digital manual. Once the order is placed, I will create the attunement chi ball and e-mail the instructions to call it in, along with the manual.


$25 Attunements

999 Golden Wealth Attunement   

This attunement connects you to the 999 frequency of wealth and abundance. Using this energy modality can help to keep out lower vibrations and raises your vibration to allow money, prosperity, and abundance to manifest into your life. 

Angel Lightworker Program

You will receive 3 attunements for this program. There are 3 spheres of angels and within the spheres are 9 choirs of angels you are attuned to with this system. It is a very powerful system and I'm sure you will find many ways to incorporate it into your healing journey and to help others.

Chakra Repair Empowerment

This attunement helps to balance and repair the

chakras. It helps to rebuild and unblock chakras.

You can run the energy on all chakras at once or concentrate on one chakra at a time with this empowerment.

Ethereal Herbs Attunement

This system works on the etheric energy's of the herbal kingdom not the actual ingesting of hand picked herbs. You can place the ethereal herbs in your chakras, in herbal remedies, etc. If you work with herbs on a regular basis, this attunement is for you. You won't ever have to run to the store again if you run out of something.

You will also have the option to attune yourself to an herb that may not be listed in the manual once you are attuned to this system.

Angels of Earth Animal Healing

The Angels of Earth Animal Healing attunement combines divine earth energy and the power of the archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel, to help communicate and heal animals. There are 2 symbols with this system along with the archangels that will greatly heighten your ability to telepathically communicate and heighten your empathic senses to heal animals. 

Cords and Soul Fragment Flush

The Cords & Soul Fragments Healing Flush system are 3 attunements in one that have 3 different uses. They can be run separately, or run all one right after another depending on what is needed for healing.

Attunement level 1— Flush clears the aura of unwanted and unhealthy stuck energy. 

Attunement level 2—Cuts Etheric cords attached to you from other people. 
Attunement level 3—Removes soul fragments which are pieces of your energy that is left somewhere else but still connected by cords.

Light of Christ Activation

This attunement will assist you in taking on the qualities of Christ. You will be shown comfort and have a deeper love for mankind. You will experience deeper faith, peacefulness, love, courage, perseverence, empathy, and compassion. You will become more spiritual and your light and intuition will grow. You will trust the light and things that no longer serve you will be replaced by higher vibrational people, places, and things.

Break Free Deep Clearing Reiki 

Break Free Deep Clearing Reiki helps to clear present and past life issues that may be blocking forward movement in any aspect of your life, or the lives of others.

Atlantian crystal ActivationThe Atlantian

Crystal Activation attunement connects you to

the knowledge and Energy that was and is stored into the main Atlantian Crystal which was kept in the  great Poseidon Healing Temple in Atlantis. The Atlantian Crystal activation is more of a Spiritual and personal Progression Attunement that will help you on your Spiritual journey and mankinds ultimate Ascension but can be incorporated

into healings.       


Chakra Flush Empowerment

The Chakra Flush is easy to use and activated by simple intention. It works just 
as well in person or over a distance.  
 It is an excellent complement to Reiki or  any other energy healing system.  The Chakra Flush is a cleansing energy.  
 It does not energize the chakras but 
gently clears them  
 of old blocks and stuck energies. By gently releasing the
energetic wounds of the past, the Chakra Flush allows new positive energy to 
enter in. 

 Angels of Crystal Healing Connection

Maintenance Attunement


This attunement's price has been set by the creator of the attunement and cannot be reduced or bundled with other attunements.

The Angels of Crystal healing Connection Maintenance Attunement is designed to forge a powerful bond between you and healing, manifesting, and spiritually awakening energies of the angelic realms that support crystal healing. By strengthening your energetic connection with these diving beings, you may experience enhanced intuition and adaptability in your crystal healing work, ultimately elevating your practice.

When you engage with the angels of crystal healing connection maintenance energies, you can align with your specific crystal healing requirements. This individualized approach honors your uniqueness, encouraging profound experiences, personal discoveries, and a more intimate connection with the crystal energies you’re working with.

By opening yourself to the guidance and support of these angelic beings, you will unlock new levels of creativity and energetic adaptability in your crystal healing practice, empowering you to create positive change and growth in all aspects of your life.

Here are some potential outcomes you may experience working with this energy system:

1.       Strengthened connection with the divine             energies associated with the angels of             crystal healing.

2.       A deeper understanding and appreciation             of crystal energies.

3.       Enhanced effectiveness and intuition in             your crystal healing practice.

4.       Increased creativity and innovation in your             application of crystal healing techniques.

5.       Improved flow and harmony within your             crystal healing sessions.

6.       Healing on physical, emotional, mental,             and spiritual levels.

7.       Boosted manifestation abilities to attract             positive change and abundance in your             life.

8.       Accelerated spiritual growth and             development.

9.       Awakening to higher states of             consciousness and self-awareness.

10.       Experiencing the nurturing and               supportive energies of the angelic realms.

11.       Elevating your vibrational frequency to             align with your highest potential.


By embracing the transformative power of the angels of crystal healing attunement, you may discover new levels of personal growth, healing, and connection with the divine, ultimately enriching your life and the lives of those you touch through your crystal healing practice.


            Click on white bar below to
select attunement

 Angels of Crystal Healing Connection Maintenance  Attunement  $27

     Gift Certificates 


Melanie really helped me realize things I knew but needed confirmed, she is so understanding and contains an abundance of life energy. So glad to have had a session with her. This was my first crystal cleansing and definitely not my last. She helped me realize things that nobody else could. Definitely a positive warm soul. You won’t regret it” ~ Jaree T.

“Melanie is an outstanding teacher. She has knowledge and wisdom from so many varied areas and shares that information in an easy to comprehend manner. She is very generous with her time and techniques-always mindful to address questions and concerns from her students. Melanie is a joy to be with, her unique laugh is her trademark-warm and sincere, a true healer, always mindful of the value of humor along the way. You would be truly fortunate to learn from Melanie.” ~ Suzanne C.

“Melanie was such a wonderful addition to our party last night. All of our guests were parents without our kids for a few hours and were definitely enjoying ourselves and she was so professional handling all of us. She was the hit of the night and everyone wanted a chance to have a few minutes with her. She has a gift and is in touch with something special and was able to give guidance and insight to everyone. I can’t imagine how taxing it must have been on her to do readings for so many people in a relatively short time but she did it with grace and professionalism. She was the perfect addition to our party but I’m looking forward to coming to her in the future for private readings.” ~ Kelli S.

I have known Melanie for several years now. I have had some great  conversations with her at the healing arts festivals and  have taken several of  her classes.  I took an animal communication class to learn more  in-depth about animal communication.  I have used her services several times. Melanie is down to earth and knows what is real and what is not. She is True to herself and to you. I highly recommend you give Melanie a try and see firsthand  how she can  help you make a change in yourself.  ~ Debi W.

Please Fill Out This Form to Contact Melanie Channell for Appointments or Feedback.


Disclaimer:  The material on this website is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for mental or health care provider's consultation. Please consult your mental health practitioner, physician, or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own mental, emotional, and physical condition.

Melanie Channell shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury, caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained on this website.

I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.